Thank you for your interest in the Geurink family and our work in Tijuana, Mexico. We have been working as church planters and developers with Christian Reformed World Missions since 1991. We arrived in Tijuana in January of 1993, after a year of Spanish Language learning in Costa Rica. When we arrived in Tijuana there was one established church, one congregation, and one small mission. One of our main goals has been to help the Presbyterian Reformed Church of Mexico establish a Presbytery (like a classis) here in Tijuana. Currently our churches are included in a Presbytery which extends farther south than Mexico City.
Tijuana continues to grow at an astounding rate; about 1000 people a day arrive by bus or plane. Many come with the hope of crossing the border into the U.S. but others come looking for work in a factory. These new immigrants have many needs and an openness to the gospel not seen in other parts of Mexico. The church has also grown in the past years, by starting missions in the new communities which spring up almost daily.
Currently there are three established churches, four congregations (with members, a pastor, and a steering committee), and three missions. We need a total of five established churches to form our own Presbytery.
We are involved personally in evangelism, home Bible studies, outreach programs to the community (VBS programs, sewing classes, parenting classes etc.) and in leading and training leaders for discipleship classes. We host several work teams each year to help with the actual construction of the church buildings. Along with national pastors, we have been instrumental in starting the "Emanuel" church and the "Prince of Peace" congregation. We are currently looking for property to begin a new mission in the near future.
Our three children have grown up in Tijuana, attending local Mexican schools through the 9th grade, after which we do home school. Our children are also active in evangelism and participate in the youth group at church and the praise team. Daniel recently graduated from high school and is in Colorado working this summer. He will begin studying at Calvin College this fall.
We are encouraged by the growth in the churches and growth in the lives of individuals as their lives are changed by the Gospel. Please pray that the church will continue to grow and mature, and that new families will come to Christ, and for more Mexican pastors. Thank you for your interest in Mexico.