Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Easter Sunday

Resurrection Day is always a special time of remembrance. In Mexico churches typically have a sunrise service, directed by the women in the church, as the women were the first to hear the good news of Christ's resurrection. People wear white to remember Jesus in his glorified body. "Agua Viva" celebrated Easter with the traditional sunrise service, complete with special musical participations.
We then had breakfast together, followed by the worship service.

In this service we accepted
two women as members, one, Brenda, by baptism
the other, Alejandra, transfered her membership. We also celebrated the baptism of Alejandra's daughter, Imelda.
We concluded the celebration with the Lord's supper.

Thanks Oak Harbor CRC

Thank you Oak Harbor CRC, team 2011.

Store Fronts at "Principe de Paz"

The group from Oak Harbor also helped to paint the five store fronts at the "Prince of Peace" church. The stores are almost ready to rent out! The money raised will help to purchase property for more missions in Tijuana.

New Kitchen for Agua Viva

This spring a group from Oak Harbor CRC, (Oak Harbor WA) helped with building a kitchen for the "Agua Viva" Mission. This will be a great help as we have a potluck dinner the last Sunday of each month, as well as on several holidays. The kitchen was temporarily in one of the classrooms. The ladies are very excited to have a "real" kitchen. They showed their appreciation by providing dinner for the group one evening.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Thank you Denver Adults

Thank you Denver Adults for another job well done!

Denver Adults in San Quintin

This past week the adult team from 3rd CRC, Denver was with us in San Quintin, BC to help build the sanctuary building for the new mission "Cristo Vive" (Christ Lives). We arrived Monday at about noon. The team got started right away with making trusses and walls. By Thursday the building was framed, wired, and the shingles were on!

The group also decided to help a neighbor family with a home. Two families had been living in a temporary home made of old plastic and hose from the local greenhouses.

The team also helped to close holes and add support to the roof of another neighbor's home.

Mission Cristo Vive, San Quintin, Baja California

One of the Reformed Presbyterian congregations, “Cristo Vive” (Christ Lives) has been led to start a new mission in the town of San Quintin, Baja California, about four and a half hours south of Tijuana. San Quintin is an agricultural area that grows strawberries, tomatoes and other vegetables. There is a great need in this area for churches. There is also a need to help train other local pastors, and a Timothy Leadership Training is being planned for later this year.

Members from the “Cristo Vive” congregation have made numerous mission trips to San Quintin. They recently made the down payment for a property there. On March 18th, men from “Cristo Vive”, the rehab center, and others went to San Quintin to pour the foundation for the first building on the new property.