Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"Weekend to Remember"

We (the Lees and Geurinks) are planing a Marriage conference called "Weekend to Remember" here in Tijuana. The conference is presented by Family Life International. We plan to hold the conference the 17th and 18th of October. Fellow missionaries John and Shirley Wind from Merida are helping us with the planning and will be here to help during the retreat as well. Please pray for us as there are still details to work out. Please also pray for Dr. Leonel and Miriam Motta (from Family Life International) who will be giving the conference.

We are planning for 100 couples to attend the conference. Please pray that at least that many will be able to come. There are several conflicts with the dates, and the economy here in Tijuana is difficult at this time. Marriages are in crisis, there is such a need, but we also feel opposition.

The next week, October 20 - 23 the Mottas will be giving a training session for couples in Tijuana who want to begin a ministry to families in their churches and the city. We are praying for at least 15 couples to take this training. Our hope is to organize a local group to give follow up Bible Studies, and plan future conferences.

We appreciate your prayers for the conference and those who will attend.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Summer Vacation

We enjoyed several weeks in Michigan this summer. We spent a week at the Christian Reformed Conference grounds on the shore of Lake Michigan.

We also spent a weekend "up north" kayaking.

We had time to visit family and friends as well.

The hardest part was saying good bye to Dan and Melissa.