Thursday, February 26, 2009

Alex and Suity's Wedding

Wednesday the 25th of February we had the priveledge of witnessing the wedding of Alex Suarez and his "Sweety" Suity.

Alex is a member at the Emanuel Church, Son of Cupertino and Angelina. We have known Alex since he was a child.

The wedding took place at a local government office. The room they have for weddings fits 8 people max (squished). When the official saw all of the people there for this wedding, he led us outside to a gazebo where the ceremony was performed. It was a beautiful sunny day, perfect for an impromptu outdoor wedding!

The reception was at Cupertino and Angelina's home, delicious Birria (Mexican Stew). We then enjoyed a double-purpose cake!(the 25th of February is also Suity's birthday). Please pray for this young couple as they begin their new Christian home.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Thank you Calvary CRC

A big thank you for the 8 men who came and helped at the Rehab center.

The bathroom was tiled,

the roof over the third section was poured,

many new bunk beds and storage boxes were made,

and good food was eaten!

On Friday we had a thanksgiving service with the guys from the Rehab center. Lee and Derek gave their testimonies as well as several men from the center. We prayed for each other.

The celebration ended with a meal of Carne Asada! The group was a blessing to Carlos, his leadership team, and the men at the rehab center, and they in turn were a blessing to the group from Calvary.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Calvary CRC

On Saturday the 7th of February the team of 8 men from Calvary CRC arived in "sunny" San Diego.
On Sunday they worshipped at the Cristo Arca De Salvacion church in the morning, and with the guys at the rehab center in Terrazas at night.

Monday morning brought more rain, yes it does sometimes rain in Tijuana, and mud!

Despite the cold and rain, the men began working on various projects at the rehab center. Lee led the tile crew in the bathrooom.

Several men began making bunk beds for the new dormatories.

They learned how to tie the rebar together for the second floor.

and then they engineered a ramp for the cement pour that is taking place today, Wednesday.

Thanks to Derek for the photos! for more pictures and the group's view of the experience go to their blog at