Tuesday, March 31, 2009

no time for play

The construction crew, led by Rick DeRidder, is a very serious outfit.

Welcome back, Denver Adults!

Sunday afternoon, the adult group from 3rd CRC, Denver arrived at Pancho Villa after a great trip and easy border crossing.

On Monday morning they began three important projects: Installing a second hot water tank at the church in Pancho Villa,

building a half-way house for graduates from the Rehab center,

and making the trusses for the roof of the half-way house.

Great progress was made and by the end of the day the walls were up at the halfway house, more than half of the trusses were made, and there were hot showers!

for more pictures please see the slideshow on the right sidebar.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Thank You Dave and Jane Crum

This Sunday, the 29th of March, the mission "Agua Viva" held a farewell party for the Crum family. The Crums, Missionaries with the Orthadox Presbyetrian Church, have served in Tijuana for more than 25 years. They will now be working for the OPC in giving direction to mission works in the western US.

Dave and Jane were part of the leadership team at Agua Viva until January of this year. We, along with all those at the mission will miss the Crums! We also wish them well in their new ministry.
Dave preached the sermon,

and led music!

Anciano Israel Ponce and Scott presented the Crums with a certificate of appreciation, with signatures from the members at "Agua Viva" on the matt.

Pastor Armando Ponce, pastor of the mother church Cristo Arca de Salvacion, and three elders were also present at the service. They had a time of prayer for the Crums at the end of the service.

We also enjoyed a meal, carne asada,

and deep fried chicken!

Everything was delicious.

Thanks again Dave, Jane and family for your years of service in Tijuana!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Sewing Class

Marcia has started a ladies' sewing class and Bible study at Agua Viva.
The ladies from the church are excited to learn how to sew.
Only one has ever used a sewing machine before!
There are five teenage girls in the class as well, so the dynamics are different. We have invited women from the community, and many seem interested, but none have come. Please pray that the ladies at church will continue to invite friends, and that they will actually attend. Pray as well for the ladies as we are learning to be "Women of Excelence"

Saturday, March 21, 2009

"Prince of Peace" Storefronts

For years the churches in Tijuana have had a plan on the back burner to build small storefronts on the "Prince of Peace" property. This year they decided to act, and each of the churches and congregations raised money for the project.

Together they were able to pay for the excavation, the footings,

and the eight pilars that will support the roof. These five storefronts are located on the main road in Altiplano. Some of the rent income from the properties will go towards the purchase of new properties for missions in Tijuana. We have also received help from churches in the US to keep going with the project. Later this summer we have a work group from Washington who plan to help pour the roof. It is our hope that this comercial building will be a blessing to many.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Half-way House

The drug and alcohol rehab center "Forjando Nuevos Destinos" is starting a new ministry; a half-way house for men who have graduated from the center, but are not quite ready for life on the outside. They are planning a half-way house to hold about 25 men. These men will receive more indepth discipleship training, and will have the opportunity to learn a trade like electricity, welding, cement masonry, etc.

The men from the center are working at the site, they have cleared away an old building,

built a wall,

and poured the foundation for the new two story building.

A group from 3rd Christian Reformed Church of Denver will be helping us to frame the building later this month. We are excited about this new ministry. Please pray for Carlos and his leadership team, and the mother church "Cristo Arca de Salvación".