Friday, August 01, 2008

Thursday, finishing well

Thursday was the last day of work, and it was a lot of work!

The Agua Viva team poured two more slabs of cement, finished laying and grouting the tile, primed the instrument storage room, and worked on the bathroom foundation. In the afternoon, the entire team met at Agua Viva and had a prayer for the new mission, that God would fill the buildings with people who want to know more about Him.

The VBS team had a good last day with 110 children attending. In the evening we had a closing service for the VBS. The entire group from Haven, the men from the Rehab center, many of the children, and several mothers and fathers attended. The youth from Tijuana did the puppet show again along with help from a few Haven youth. Marcia gave the last lesson about Naman and his encounter with God. We also sang some worship songs and a few children's songs. Please pray with us that the seed that was planted this week will be watered. Pray also that some of the children and their families may begin attending services at the Dios Viviente mission.

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