Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Weekend to Remember

This past Friday and Saturday, 61 couples attended a marriage conference "Weekend to Remember" given by Leonel and Miriam Motta with Family Life Int. We had 61 couples attend and all were blessed. Of the people attending, 10 prayed to receive the Lord, 81 prayed to give lordship of their life to the Holy Spirit, 69 renewed their commitment with God and their family, and 6 received assurance of salvation or lordship of Christ. 15 of the couples are also attending a training course this week with the goal of starting a family ministry in their churches and city wide in Tijuana. Please pray for these key couples that they would be encouraged to help others.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So glad that the Weekend To Remember went so well! We were sorry our scheduled trip to the Midwest conflicted with that weekend, otherwise we would have been there with you and hopefully even more couples.