Thursday, March 13, 2008

Wednesday, raising the roof

Wednesday morning dawned a bit cloudy, all the better to work on a roof. The first order of the day was to make the two gable ends. These trusses are special and it is always a challenge to get it exactly right. Then the truss crew loaded the 36 scissors trusses and two gables on to a flatbed truck for transport. The truck made it to Agua Viva in the same condition it left Pancho Villa.

The building crew had to unload the trusses and set them in place. It is a very impressive site to see the trusses go up. It is also a bit scary to see the guys up in the trusses and walking on the walls. By evening all the trusses were set in place, ready for the plywood sheeting on Thursday.

When they arrived for their Wednesday evening Bible study, the small congregation at Agua Viva was surprised to see how far the building has advanced. They are very excited to have a santuaty.

For lots more photos check out the Denver Adult 08 album.

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