Thursday, June 05, 2008

Dedication Service

A group picture of those attending the dedication service.

A special prayer for the family.

Last Saturday evening, we attended a house dedication with the Emanuel Church. A family that attends the church lost their house to a fire on the 26th of February. They and 6 of their children and two grandchildren have been staying in two classrooms at the Emanuel Church since the fire. Pastor Adolfo was able to coordinate with Amor Ministries to have a new house built for them. The house is only rough framed, but the family wanted to have their new home dedicated before they began moving back in.

We have known this family for years, since we started the Emanuel Church. They have passed through many trials before, with cancer, a daughter almost died of a ruptured appendix, and others have suffered illnesses. They would attend regularly for a while, and then drift away. The family began attending church again several months before the fire, and have continued to attend and become more involved in the life of the church.

Please pray for this family, that they will be faithful to their promises, and that in this new home they will reflect God's love in their neighborhood.

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