Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Thanksgiving Service

We had special front row seats in the service.

Pastor Isaac preached about the missionary work of Paul

A final song and prayer for our family and minsitry.

A group shot of Prince of Peace

Sunday night, June 8th, the congregation of Prince of Peace surprised us with a special service to thank us for our eight years of ministry with them. Several families prapaired a special song or reading, and Pastor Isaac preached a sermon about Paul and his missionary service. They sang a final song "Misionero Que Va" (Missionary that Goes) and prayed for our new work at Agua Viva. It was a very special service! Afterwards there was food; including Chiles Rellenos, Marcia's favorite Mexican dish! We have been blessed during our years at Prince of Peace and continue to have special friendships there. Remember Prince of Peace in your prayers as they are working toward the goal of officially organizing as a church in a year or so.

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