Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday, another work day

Monday morning the group again divided up into two teams, a VBS team and a work team at Agua Viva.

The first day of VBS was a success. The day started out slowly with about thirty children at the opening. They kept trickling in all morning and by the end of the program we had 71 children. They enjoyed their class time, game time, sandwiches and lemonade, and their craft. Several of the kids stayed afterwards to play and help clean up. The group also enjoyed playing with them.

After lunch the VBS crew worked on painting the buildings again.

The Agua Viva team also worked hard. They formed and poured two slabs of concrete, dug a foundation for a new bathroom, worked on drywall, and began preparing the parsonage for a tile floor.

By evening all were tired, but shared "God moments" from the day. They were blessed while being a blessing to others.


Anonymous said...

we love seeing pictures ! We check the blog daily to see what are kids are doing. Thank You

Leah said...

Thanks so much for the updates! It is great to hear that everyone is doing well, you are all in our prayers this week!

Anonymous said...

I knew some of my family members were clowns! Love the updates and pictures. May God bless the work in Tijuana.

Anonymous said...

Thank you sooo much for taking time to put on the updates and pictures as I'm sure you are very busy with the Haven group! It's fun to hear and see a little of what they are doing before they get back.
Can't wait to hear more! We are praying for all of you.

terp said...

Haven Mosaic...


love you

Amy S said...

Thanks for posting the pictures and stories. We love to hear how God is working and answering prayers! We'll keep praying... miss you all!!!! My favorite picture has to be Nate Openhuizen in the clown costume! :) Way to go, Nate!