Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Thanks 3rd CRC Denver!

We are thankful for the youth from 3rd CRC Denver who were here to help us last week. The VBS was a great success, with 1 70 kids on the last day. In all over 210 kids attended at some time during the week. We also had a great group of women, 32 in all, who had their own special class with Jane. They also had craft time.

The closing service was great, there were prizes for the top kids in each of the older grades who learned all of their verses. Eight of the women also learned their four verses and received a Bible.

The group also helped by finishing the drywall in the sancturay, applying an orange peel texture, priming and painting. Sheetrock was installed in the storage room which doubled as the adult classroom during VBS. The group also finished painting the outside of the church building. On Thursday after the VBS, they also poured a small slab of concrete on the side of the church.

A smaller group was working at the home of Ana Maria, mother of Pastor Armando, putting in insulation and sheetrock in her house. They also framed a bathroom and closet. She is so apreciative, her house is a lot cooler already!

The group also helped out with the rehab center, getting things ready for the cement roof of their new bathroom, dormitory, and detox center. As a group, we also worshiped with the guys at their Thursday night worship service. What a blessing.

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