Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Monday morning some of the group made their way to the Dios Viviente mission to begin work on the new sanctuary. The adjustments were made and walls were laid out and raised.

The truss template was made and cutting begun on the plates and cords.

A second group stayed at the Cristo Arca de Salvacion church to begin framing a small addition to the Sunday school/parsonage building. They build the walls and had the deck on by the end of the day.

A great first day, and great start to the week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear everything is going great so far. Wish I was there but someone had to stay home and feed the livestock (dog) and irrigate the crops (seedlings for the garden). Weather in Denver has been great until this afternoon - rain, even some thunder, and snow later tonight. Prayers for everyone (Denver and Tijauna). Thx for keeping us posted. Carol Alsum